The association was formed in 1971 as the Cambridgeshire Woodpigeon Association. Its original purpose was to bring together shooting people who could meet others with similar interests in a friendly informal atmosphere. More recently it has been renamed the Cambridgeshire Field Sports Association, a name which reflects a change of emphasis from mainly the control of agricultural pests to a broader based club covering all aspects of country sports and the promotion of the values and benefits of the rural countryside.
Although we are actively involved with pigeon and rabbit control, we now also provide members with access to wildfowling on the Ouse Washes via two adjacent blocks of land both of which are owned by the CFSA. These remain our core interestes and the association can provide good, free sport for its members. We aim to enthuse and educate the younger generation, encouraging them to learn how the countryside works, where it needs help to flourish and how field sports can contribute towards sustaining its varied habitats. Regular events provide members with the opportunity for sea and trout fishing and an in-house syndicate offers game shooting (subject to waiting list) at reasonable rates.
The association sets up instructive and entertaining events on a variety of sporting subjects. Guest speakers have included John Batley, renowned pigeon professional, and Alan Murray, Lincolnshire’s famous “goose guide”. We’ve been out with the Milton Hunt at Peterborough and over to the famed Will’s Shoot, owned by Will Garfitt at Hauxton. Monthly association Nights also provide the chance of a chat between members and often include the showing of one of the latest sporting videos. One of our main events each year is our air rifle plinking marquee and association tent at the Fenland Fair at Quy in August. Other events include an annual Quiz Night, clay shooting competitions, gun dog training and much much more. Details of all events and reports of the association’s successes (and failures) are published in a regular newsletter and online in the members